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Welcome to StratObserve

This site is intended to provide realtime plots of polar stratospheric conditions and other related products from the latest forecast data. Click a category from the menu above, and select a product from the dropdown menu.


As of Nov 2018, the plots hosted here are only generated from 00UT forecasts for each 12-hour interval. This is primarily to aid in comparing the GEOS-5 and GFS forecast models, since 10-day forecasts are currently only released for the 00UT run of GEOS-5. The plots should generally be updated by approximately 10AM Eastern each day, but delays are possible due to issues downloading the forecast data. Please try refreshing your page if the dates or products aren't updating/loading.


  • 2024-05-01: StratObserve will now be displaying plots for the Southern Hemisphere stratosphere by default. Plots for the NH will continue to be generated and available.


  • Added zonal wind + EP-flux cross sections; 20191111
  • Changed the max windspeed panels in the strat. winds ensemble time series plots to polar cap averaged temperatures; 20181217
  • Changed base period for calculating standardized anomalies of eddy heat fluxes from Sep - May to Oct - Apr; 20181215
  • Got rid of the "latest" designation in the date dropdown menu so there's no confusion about what forecast date the plots are based on. StratObserve rolls out plots a bit slower than other places, so I don't want "latest" being confused; 20181204
  • Added new products, including anomaly time series, and eddy heat flux longitude/pressure
    cross-sections; 20181120
  • Updated the 3D vortex plots to use a better polar projection. Also added the ability to rotate the view of the 3D vortex plots (thanks for the suggestion, Michael Ventrice!); 20181120
  • Enabled SSL and automatic redirect to https; 20181116
  • Fixed bug that prevented viewing multiple vertical levels on Chrome (possibly other browsers); 20181115
  • First online; 20181114